With a steaming mug of hot lemon water near my yoga mat it is flexibility I seek. (This December Blog didn’t post on time, as I was abroad on a five week journey.)
Dear fellow travelers… always go with heart, for when heart journeys its light touches EVERYTHING & ALL and lovingly lights your way… of course y’all know this!
Journeys can be long, journeys can be short, journeys can be far, journeys can be near, however they are always best when heart journeys with you.
Even with our well laid plans having long been on the drawing board from a culmination of hopeful dreams, lists of probable desired activities, expected warm family & friend encounters and all the joyous attention in general to details, there can and often is surprising twists, monumental climbs, unexpected turns, and W.T.F. moments.
Sailing smoothly, certain our happy thoughts and expectations will only bring good experiences… when all of a sudden, we’ve found ourselves smashed up against some jagged “for your growth”, “testing your resolve”, “another lesson to learn”, down on your luck rocks that seem to come out of nowhere. We know our hearts always travel with us, heart is who we are, and when we crash or don’t experience our positive expectations, then we know that some negative thought, emotion, or attitude has covered, has clouded our beautiful heart-light. I know once I’m frustrated with one of those piercing jagged rocks it can easily domino into a pulverized pile of ash-heap scree.
Not to worry though… we can pick up the pieces of our life and continue our journey by letting go of that which is causing the darkness and pain. Don’t know what that might be? Then do a general forgiveness of fear, letting go of anger, and releasing guilt to un-cloud your beautiful heart-light.
Hearts go in our carry-on AND no need to pack sun-screen for our heart’s journey for it already shines like the noon-day sun!
This has been a deb’s witty ditty on deb’s ditty blog.