With a steaming mug of hot Moroccan tea in my cozy cogitative corner it is understanding I seek.
Because love is the greatest thing and the most powerful force in the universe, when we love to love we know it shows up in, through, and around us as a great life… of course y’all know this!
Love is without form and so is beyond our physique, build, body, cut, cast, mold, pattern or frame. Behold pure divine love being these formless and timeless qualities in your feelings, thoughts and actions.
You Love to Love by feeling joyful, calm, aware, boundless, secure, free, beautiful, centered, receptive, delighted, quiet, harmonious, serene, loving, happy, enriched, compassionate and humble. You Love to Love by having an attitude of forgiveness, understanding, non-judgement, caring, benevolence, abundance, tenderness, gentleness and warm empathy. You Love to Love by acting gracious, bold, unlimited, imperturbable, valiant, resourceful, generous, competent, creative, brave, persistent, playful, balanced, full of wonder and knowing all is well. When you Love to Love you live in the world, but you are not of it.
Because love focuses on the goodness of life, we Love to Love. Because Love emanates from the heart and is so healthy for our heart, we Love to Love. Because love is inspirational and timeless and makes us feel warm from our head down to our toes, we Love to Love. Because love is at the core of our being and our constantly giving this infinite love is the ultimate reason for our happiness, then we naturally Love to Love. Because love means you are in the world and not of it.
If there is no love there really would not be life at all, then really there is no you, there is no me. But don’t you see the “no love” can’t be. Because there is only life, only love, only the Divine… Because love is just who we are… loooooo…ve, love to love you baaaaaaaaaaaaaby!
This has been a deb’s witty ditty on deb’s ditty blog.